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How to book our overnight tours
Each Product has an inquiry and booking button which allows you to initiate contact with our Safari Experts.
We will forward you a proforma Invoice/quotation
Once you are satisfied with the numbers, payment can either be made online using PAYPAL, PAYFAST or PAYGATE
The company banking details will be on your proforma should you prefer to do a WIRE TRANSFER.
You may start packing
Why Book with Us
​Our Tours are mostly Private
We have Flexible payment Plans
We Beat any Written Quote
Knowledgeable and qualified staff members
A portion of your fee goes to various charities we work with in South Africa and Lesotho
No hidden costs
Vegetarians, Vegans & kosher are catered for
We are SATSA bonded - assurance of quality tourism
We bend over backwards for our clients
We are insured through SATIB INSURANCE in association with Lloyds of London